Postfix reject bounced email address
By default, the Postfix SMTP server accepts any sender address.
However you can reject / blacklist sender email address with
Postfix. It has SMTP server access table.
Create /etc/postfix/sender_access file
Append sender email id as follows:
Save and close the file.
Create a database with postmap:
Now open and add code as follows:
Save and close the file. Restart / reload postfix
Create /etc/postfix/sender_access file
# cd /etc/postfix
# nano sender_access
Append sender email id as follows: REJECT
Save and close the file.
Create a database with postmap:
# postmap hash:sender_access
Now open and add code as follows:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access
Save and close the file. Restart / reload postfix
# /etc/init.d/postfix restart